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COP25 was a failure. Can COP26 be saved?
COP25 Was a Failure, But Activists’ Collective Organizing at the Talks Was Unprecedented
What did COP26 achieve? Not enough to save my island home
Failure of cop26 climate change conference - cop26/un climate change press conference Part 1
What is COP26? - Why it is important, Who will attend & What actions can we expect
From COP21 to COP26: Why Failure is Not an Option
Was COP26 a Success?
David Attenborough, People's Advocate for #COP26, Address to World Leaders | Climate Action
Conference of the Parties (COP): Can a climate change conference save the planet?
COP26 is a 'two-week-long celebration of business as usual', says Thunberg
Irish Business & Climate Change - Race to Zero & COP26
Climate activist Vanessa Nakate at #COP26: Humanity will not be saved by promises